Last Updated on: 14th September 2024, 09:39 am
Probudi se, F1LTHY
(Wake up, F1LTHY)
Čekaj, uh
(Hol’ up, uh)
Obrnuti križ na mom vratu, utišaj ih, uh, uh
(Upside-down cross tat’ on my neck, shut ’em up, uh, uh)
Obrnuti križ na mom vratu, utišaj ih
(Upside-down cross tat’ on my neck, shut ’em up)
Obrnuti križ na mom vratu, utišaj ih, uh, uh
(Upside-down cross tat’ on my neck, shut ’em up, uh, uh)
Obrnuti križ na mom vratu, utišaj ih, uh
(Upside-down cross tat’ on my neck, shut ’em up, uh)
Bentley je parkiran vani, želim se provozati
(The Bentley is parked outside, my vibe tryna go for a ride)
Stavio sam Vetements na njezine butine, stavio sam masku jer sam pijan
(I put Vetements right on her thighs, I put the mask on ’cause I be fried)
Sve crveno, stalno sam s Five5s, sve crveno, dolazimo i pucamo
(All red, I stay with the Five5s, all red, we pull up and fire)
Sve crveno, netko je umro, sve crveno, ulijevam i vozim
(All red, somebody died, all red, I pour up then drive)
Došli smo s tim SIG-ovima
(We done pushed up with them SIGs)
Poput Maddena, možeš biti napadnut
(Just like Madden, you can get blitzed)
Nekada sam nosio Bally’s, onda sam postao bogat
(I used to rock Bally’s, then I got rich)
Ovo je kurva, ne može biti moja cura, yeah
(This is a thot, she can’t be my bitch, yeah)
Ovo je kurva, ne može biti moja cura, yeah
(This is a thot, she can’t be my bitch, yeah)
Dolazim kod tebe, prskamo tu kurvu
(I come to your spot, we spray up that bitch)
Dolazim kod tebe, prskamo tu kurvu
(I come to your spot, we spray up that bitch)
Dolazim kod tebe i uzimam to, čekaj, uh
(I come to your spot and I take that shit, hol’ up, uh)
Imam informacije, položimo tu kurvu, huh, čekaj
(I got the drop, we layin’ that bitch, huh, hol’ up)
Uzmi ukradeno vozilo, vozi tu kurvu, čekaj
(Get a stolen vehicle, drive that bitch, hol’ up)
Pritisni na tvoju blokadu, zatim ih prskamo, uh
(Push on yo’ block, then we spray ’em, uh)
Pritisni na tvoju blokadu, zatim ih prskamo
(Push on yo’ block, then we spray ’em)
Netko neka im pošalje molitvu, netko neka im pošalje molitve
(Somebody send ’em a prayer, somebody send ’em some prayers)
Imam nešto što ide ludo, trebam još jedan sloj
(I got some shit goin’ crazy, I need a whole ‘nother layer)
Na samom sam drugom nivou, ja sam drugačiji igrač
(I’m on a whole ‘nother level, I’m a different type player)
Ja sam drugačiji igrač, ja sam priznat igrač
(I’m a different type player, I’m a credited player)
Shawty zna da mogu zabiti, shawty zna da sam ubica
(Shawty know I could score it, shawty know I’m a slayer)
Shawty, tretiraj je kao poštu, zaboravi na nju ovdje
(Shawty, treat her like mail, fuck a bit’ right here)
Vozim coupe do Rodea, spreman sam da ovoj curi život postane pakao
(Drive the coupe to Rodeo, I’m ’bout to give this ho hell)
Obrnuti križ na mom vratu, utišaj ih, uh, uh
(Upside-down cross tat’ on my neck, shut ’em up, uh, uh)
Obrnuti križ na mom vratu, utišaj ih
(Upside-down cross tat’ on my neck, shut ’em up)
Obrnuti križ na mom vratu, utišaj ih, uh, uh
(Upside-down cross tat’ on my neck, shut ’em up, uh, uh)
Obrnuti križ na mom vratu, utišaj ih, uh
(Upside-down cross tat’ on my neck, shut ’em up, uh)
Bentley je parkiran vani, želim se provozati
(The Bentley is parked outside, my vibe tryna go for a ride)
Stavio sam Vetements na njezine butine, stavio sam masku jer sam pijan
(I put Vetements right on her thighs, I put the mask on ’cause I be fried)
Sve crveno, stalno sam s Five5s, sve crveno, dolazimo i pucamo
(All red, I stay with the Five5s, all red, we pull up and fire)
Sve crveno, netko je umro, sve crveno, ulijevam i vozim
(All red, somebody died, all red, I pour up then drive)